// In secondary classrooms
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Into Literature (2022)
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Print Edition ISBNs:
- Student (Grade 9): ISBN 978-0-358-41642-5
- Student (Grade 10): 978-0-358-41643-2
- Student (Grade 11 American Literature Vol. 1): 978-0-358-41644-9
- Student (Grade 11 American Literature Vol. 2): 978-0-358-41645-6
- Student (Grade 12: British Literature Vol. 1): 978-0-358-41646-3
- Student (Grade 12: British Literature Vol. 2): 978-0-358-41647-0
- Teacher (Grade 9): 978-0-358-41651-7
- Teacher (Grade 10): 978-0-358-41652-4
- Teacher (Grade 11 American Literature): 978-0-358-41653-1
- Teacher (Grade 12: British Literature): 978-0-358-41654-8
Contact the company representative for ISBN numbers for online/eText editions.
- Variety of formative assessments
- HMH App available to download resources to use offline
- Customizable library of 1,200+ novels with study guides
- Customizable reading, writing, and grammar resources for each unit
- Student-centered integration of standards using their Surviving and Thriving Guide
- Differentiated supports at point of use, progress monitoring, assessment, Lexile levels, and adaptive growth measurements provided
- Writable resource includes Turnitin.com for plagiarism check, skills ladder assignments, and text sketch (visual representations of story line)
- HMH Go App provides on and offline (if materials are downloaded) access to text
- ACT, SAT, and college prep resources available
- Classic, contemporary, and culturally relevant material
- Teacher’s Corner provides interactive guides, professional development services on demand, coaching bundle, and one-on-one content specialist with teacher
- Family Room provides access for parents
- English 3D offers specific ELL and ELA intervention services (optional)
- Notes
- While content is aligned with Common Core standards and adapted to state standards, customized NAD Marzano standards are not included
- Reading content not fully NAD endorsed. Teach with discernment.
- On-line access is not readily intuitive
- Developing video quality