Grade 10

Course Focus

LA.10.1 Identify SDA Christian principles and values in correlation with language arts.
LA.10.1.1 Broaden intellectual abilities through the study of God’s Word.
LA.10.1.2 Discover personal meaning that leads to enjoyment in the study of God’s Word.
LA.10.1.3 Apply Biblical principles of Christian morality, integrity, and ethical behavior to all aspects of life.
LA.10.1.4 Value God’s inspired writings and created works as sources of His revelation.
LA.10.1.5 Make Biblically-based choices when encountering all forms of media communication.
LA.10.1.6 Employ Christian principles as a basis for appreciation and expression.

Course Abilities

LA.10.2 Develop abilities in language arts.
LA.10.2.1 Develop higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, generalize, solve, decide, relate, interpret, simplify)
LA.10.2.2 Utilize appropriate communications (present, demonstrate, persuade, collaborate, explain, defend, recommend)
LA.10.2.3 Develop goal setting/attainment skills (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist)
LA.10.2.4 Understand and utilize the writing process (plan, draft, analyze, and revise)
LA.10.2.5 Develop vocabulary (root, prefix, suffix, etymology, usage)
LA.10.2.6 Evaluate media (accuracy, validity, reliability, manipulation)
LA.10.3 Be able to read, write, speak, and listen for a variety of purposes.
LA.10.3.1 Use multiple sources of literature, including mass media.
LA.10.3.2 Conduct research (locate, observe/gather, analyze, conclude).
LA.10.3.3 Read/write/present technical material (charts, graphs, bids, etc.) using technology.

Course Content

LA.10.4 Be able to read/write/view various forms of literature to develop a better understanding of self and others and be able to analyze, interpret, and draw conclusions.
LA.10.4.1 Identify and use literary devices (flashback, simile, metaphor, foreshadowing, symbolism, personification, alliteration).
LA.10.4.2 Explain/analyze, with specific references, how these devices contribute to the impact of literature.
LA.10.4.3 Compare and contrast personal life experiences to literature.
LA.10.4.4 Identify and discuss values in literature (spiritual, global, cultural, etc.).
LA.10.4.5 Show understanding by summarizing, asking questions, and recalling information.
LA.10.5 Be able to compose research-supported essays and technical forms.
LA.10.5.1 Locate materials from different sources and evaluate for relevance, bias, and timeliness
LA.10.5.2 Organize material by a variety of methods
LA.10.5.3 Write a three-part essay using specified documentation (MLA, APA, etc.).
LA.10.5.4 Include introduction with a clear and concise thesis, body with supported major points, transitions, and an effective conclusion.
LA.10.5.5 Use coherent and logical order.
LA.10.5.6 Use grammatically and mechanically correct sentences.
LA.10.5.7 Use word processing for final product.
LA.10.6 Be able to make a variety of presentations using appropriate language and technical information for particular audiences and purposes.
LA.10.6.1 Prepare and deliver organized and concise presentations.
LA.10.6.2 2 State and defend an opinion or recommendation in a logical, respectful manner justified with facts, research, and examples.
LA.10.6.3 Use appropriate tone, body language, notes, and visual aids to speak extemporaneously.
LA.10.6.4 Involve audience in a variety of ways.
LA.10.7 Be able to listen/view actively and critically to reach a conclusion or form an opinion.
LA.10.7.1 Listen/view presentations with an open mind to evaluate information and sources
LA.10.7.2 Take clear and concise notes about a presentation.
LA.10.7.3 Politely question, disagree, ask for clarification, make recommendations, or persuade.