Grade 11

Course Focus

LA.11.1 Identify SDA Christian principles and values in correlation with language arts.
LA.11.1.1 Broaden intellectual abilities through the study of God’s Word.
LA.11.1.2 Discover personal meaning that leads to enjoyment in the study of God’s Word.
LA.11.1.3 Apply Biblical principles of Christian morality, integrity, and ethical behavior to all aspects of life.
LA.11.1.4 Value God’s inspired writings and created works as sources of His revelation.
LA.11.1.5 Make Biblically-based choices when encountering all forms of media communication.
LA.11.1.6 Employ Christian principles as a basis for appreciation and expression.

Course Abilities

LA.11.2 Develop abilities in language arts.
LA.11.2.1 Develop higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, generalize, solve, decide, relate, interpret, simplify)
LA.11.2.2 Utilize appropriate communications (present, demonstrate, persuade, collaborate, explain, defend, recommend)
LA.11.2.3 Develop goal setting/attainment skills (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist)
LA.11.2.4 Understand and utilize the writing process (plan, draft, analyze, and revise)
LA.11.2.5 Develop vocabulary (root, prefix, suffix, etymology, usage)
LA.11.2.6 Evaluate media (accuracy, validity, reliability, manipulation)
LA.11.3 Be able to read, write, speak, and listen for a variety of purposes.
LA.11.3.1 Use multiple sources of literature, including mass media.
LA.11.3.2 Conduct research (locate, observe/gather, analyze, conclude).
LA.11.3.3 Read/write/present technical material (charts, graphs, bids, etc.) using technology.

Course Content

LA.11.4 Be able to understand literature and analyze, critique, and relate themes, story elements, and literary devices.
LA.11.4.1 Understand how literature reflects and affects social, historical, and cultural influences.
LA.11.4.2 Critique story elements and literary devices to determine how they impact literature.
LA.11.4.3 Identify the theme(s) of literary selections with specific textual references.
LA.11.5 Be able to relate specific literature to self, historical context, the author’s life, current events, and other significant literature.
LA.11.5.1 Research and evaluate the author’s purpose for writing.
LA.11.5.2 Compare and contrast specific works of literature.
LA.11.5.3 Determine the value of literature by critically examining its relevance, insights, and messages.
LA.11.6 Be able to write a variety of quality forms, including a research paper.
LA.11.6.1 Research for concrete, relevant support.
LA.11.6.2 Select or design graphics (charts, tables, pictures, etc.).
LA.11.6.3 Use correct grammar, mechanics, word choice, usage, format, and varied sentences.
LA.11.6.4 Avoid plagiarism.
LA.11.6.5 Write themes with introduction, clear and concise thesis, body with supported major points, transitions, figurative language, and an effective conclusion.
LA.11.6.6 Evaluate and revise writing to focus on purpose, organization, development, and style.
LA.11.6.7 Answer essay questions with appropriate format and textual references or other support.
LA.11.7 Be able to speak effectively for a variety of purposes.
LA.11.7.1 Research and select appropriate content.
LA.11.7.2 Use correct voice, body language, notes, and personal style to speak extemporaneously.
LA.11.7.3 Include a precise and concrete thesis statement.
LA.11.7.5 Select a variety of relevant visuals.
LA.11.7.5 Answer questions appropriately.
LA.11.8 Be able to read/view/listen to form beliefs and goals.
LA.11.8.1 Refine personal views, beliefs, and motivations through reading/viewing/listening.
LA.11.8.2 Analyze/evaluate views, beliefs, and motivations of others with respect.
LA.11.8.3 Evaluate media resources and information for accuracy, validity, and reliability.