// In secondary classrooms
Carnegie Mirrors & Windows (2021)
Publisher: Carnegie
Print Edition ISBNs:
- Student (Grade 9): 978-1-53383-666-3
- Student (Grade 10):
- Student (Grade 11): 978-1-53383-668-7
- Student (Grade 12): 978-1-53383-669-4
- Teacher (Grade 9): 978-1-53383-673-1
- Teacher (Grade 10): 978-1-53383-674-8
- Teacher (Grade 11): 978-1-53383-675-5
- Teacher (Grade 12): 978-1-53383-676-2
Contact the company representative for ISBN numbers for online/eText editions.
- Integrated reading, writing, vocabulary, and grammar textbook
- Diverse and canonical authors
- Connected to CASEL (Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotional Learning) framework for student-centered instruction
- Close read scaffolds alongside the text
- Gradual Release approach (Guided, Directed, then Independent reading)
- Imbedded ETS plagiarism checker
- Text-specific to text-dependent, customizable performance tests
- Offers extended writing options for reading sections
- Multiple genres captured within each unit
- Authentic audio reading for every selection
- Expansive digital catalogue available
- FLIPGRID – customizable virtual spaces for students to collaborate
- Access Editions available hard cover or online: Full-length novels which include reading scaffolding and support, response questions, literary and historical context, creative and critical writing activities, vocabulary, selections for additional reading, and projects
- Novel Studies: an online platform teacher guide which includes anticipation activities, parent letters, shared resources, book discussions, writing activities and extensions (also available in Spanish) – novels must be purchased independently
- Lexile included
- PASSPORT learning platform
- Lesson Bundles include multi-day directions, assignments, and deadlines with customizing options
- FAST FORWARD Program offering gamified cognitive skills focusing on cognitive processing, reading, and language -- personalized adaptive practice (optional)
- ACT/SAT practice tests available
- EDULASTIC: customizable assessment from assessment libraries, real time data during test taking with live class board. Data used to analyze standards’ mastery.
- Direct Instruction (DI) for English Language Learners (ELL) to include literacy and reading skills, vocabulary preview, and language development (optional)
- Writing and grammar workbook (optional)
- Professional learning team and live IT customizable support
- Notes:
- Material is printable but not downloadable (must be accessed online)
- While content is aligned with Common Core standards and adapted to state standards, customized NAD Marzano standards are not included
- Reading content not fully NAD endorsed. Teach with discernment.